Tietoja valmistajasta: TEKTRONIX


Tektronix and Keithley  

and Elektro-Automatik offers a complete line of bench and rack instruments and accessories, including oscilloscopes, digital multimeters, power supplies, source measurement units, signal generators, software, specialized and general-purpose probes. Including warranty and repair solutions to protect your investments and uptime. Whatever your application, we’ll have the products to equip your bench and the expertise to help you get your job done - quickly and efficiently. 

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TBS1000C & TBS2000B Digital Storage Oscilloscopes

TBS1000C & TBS2000B series are industry-leading quality and reliability for embedded designers, educational institutions and small business owners with intuitive UI’s. Both series empowers you to learn and innovate with confidence come with our HelpEverywhere® system, built in courseware and 5-year warranty.

2 Series MSO Portable Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

Award winning and our most compact and handheld portable oscilloscope. Only 1.5 inches thick and 1.8kg, the 2 Series MSO feels like a tablet while offering the full-featured functionality of a real-time touchscreen oscilloscope. Unlock space on the benchtops and classroom or utilise in the field, take it wherever your measurement challenges take you.

3 Series MDO Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes

The 3 Series MDO has largest display in class, improved low-level signal measurement accuracy and industry-leading probe performance. It has a unique true hardware 1 GHz spectrum analyser built right in with superior RF test performance and guaranteed RF specifications.

4 Series B MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

The NEW versatile 4 Series B MSO has the performance to address tough design challenges and a user interface that works the way you expect. With a new upgraded processor system, it delivers accurate measurements faster with an outstanding range of analysis tools.

DMM6500, DMM7510, DAQ6510 Graphical Digital Multimeters & Data Acquisition and Logging Systems

DMM6500 & DMM7510 are general-purpose 6½ and 7½ digit touchscreen DMMs which can help you to debug, validate, and manufacture your end devices. Measurement capabilities include transient capture, data visualisation and analysis. DAQ6510 creates a new simplicity enabling faster set up time, real time monitoring and detailed analysis.

AFG31000 Arbitrary Function Generators

The AFG31000 series with patented InstaView™️ technology revolutionizes advanced research applications. With the ability to replicate real-world signals, it provides engineers with the tools they need to generate precise waveforms, monitor them in real-time, and analyse results easily.

Keithley 2400 Graphical Series SMUs

Combining a digital multimeter (DMM), power supply, current source, electronic load and pulse generator into one instrument, the 2400 Graphical Series SMUs bring advanced Touch, Test, Inventᴿ technology to your fingertips.

2220/2230/2231/2280S & 2281S Power Supplies & Battery Simulators

The industry's most reliable DC bench power supplies, with a wide range of voltage, current and power outputs, including high precision and unique battery simulator/emulator features.

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