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Pico Technology 

Based in Cambridgeshire in the UK, Pico Technology was founded in 1991 and has rapidly grown to become the global leader in PC connected test equipment.With regional headquarters in the UK, Texas and Shanghai, Pico is able to supply and support customers around the world. Read More

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Featured Products
PicoScope 2000A/B Series

Low cost, compact oscilloscopes up to 100 MHz

PicoScope 3000D Series

General purpose oscilloscopes up to 200 MHz

PicoScope 4000 Series

High resolution oscilloscopes, 2, 4 or 8 channels

PicoScope 5000D Series

Flexible resolution (8 to 16 bit) oscilloscopes up to 200 MHz

PicoScope 6000E Series

High performance oscilloscopes up to 1 GHz

Pico VNA106/8

6 GHz and 8.5 GHz vector network analyzers

TC-08 Temperature Logger

8 channel thermocouple datalogger

CM3 Current Logger

3 Channel current logger with clamps

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