
Tietoja valmistajasta: EPSON

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Tietoja EPSON

Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to connecting people, things and information with its original efficient, compact and precision technologies. With a lineup that ranges from inkjet printers and digital printing systems to 3LCD projectors, watches and industrial robots, the company is focused on driving innovations and exceeding customer expectations in inkjet, visual communications, wearables and robotics.

Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises more than 76,000 employees in 87 companies around the world, and is proud of its contributions to the communities in which it operates and its ongoing efforts to reduce environmental impacts.

Quartz Crystal Devices

Quartz is an extremely frequency-stable material. Epson exploits this feature of quartz to the fullest to provide crystal devices used in consumer products such as smartphones, as well as in infrastructure and automotive applications that require exceptional accuracy and reliability. Epson is filling the timing and sensing needs of different industries with timing devices such as crystal units, oscillators, and real-time clock modules and sensing devices such as gyro sensors. We are also creating new value with unique devices such as micro atomic oscillators.


Crystals & Oscillators

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

Office, Computer & Networking Products

Semiconductors - ICs

Näytä kaikki tuotteet (1 030)


Synthetic Quartz

Epson Hidden Heroes



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